Product information

  • Rice may vary in genetics, grain length,
    color, thickness, stickiness, aroma,
    growing method, and other characteristics,
    leading to a vast number of cultivars.

Basmati is a variety of long, slender-grained aromatic rice which is traditionally grown in India and Pakistan.

As of 2018–19, India accounted for 65% of the international trade in basmati rice, while Pakistan accounted for the remaining 35%. Many countries use domestically grown basmati rice crops; however, basmati is geographically exclusive to certain districts of India and Pakistan. According to the Indian Government agency APEDA, a rice variety is eligible to be called Basmati if it has a minimum average precooked milled rice length of 6.61 mm and average precooked milled rice breadth of up to 2 mm, among other parameters.